Empowering Bangladesh’s MSMEs: PriyoShop and LankaBangla PLC Join Hands Together!

In the vibrant landscape of Bangladesh’s economy, where more than 5 million retailers play a crucial role, contributing over 30% to the country’s GDP, empowering MSMEs becomes paramount. Recognizing the potential of these businesses, PriyoShop, the leading B2B marketplace, has taken a significant step towards fostering growth and digitalization by addressing a key challenge faced […]

Let’s Rewind 2023: A Golden Year at PriyoShop!

As 2023 ends, PriyoShop, a leading B2B marketplace, is excited to share our achievements! This year was no ordinary ride; it was a superhero movie for Bangladeshi entrepreneurs! And PriyoShop had an excellent journey this year. Growth Squad Assemble: We onboarded over 50,000 amazing MSMEs, each with a dream bigger than anything! We welcomed them […]

Celebrating Victory Day of Bangladesh: The Day of Freedom and Unity!

The journey of liberation is filled with struggles, obstacles and group efforts. The path to liberation in Bangladesh was marked by persistent suffering – nearly two centuries under British colonial control and another two and a half decades under Pakistani authorities’ harsh dictatorship. Untold sorrows, life bonds and terrible atrocities became bitter chapters in our […]

PriyoShop is Paving the Way for a Greener Tomorrow!

PriyoShop is Paving the Way for a Greener Tomorrow!

PriyoShop rose as a pioneer in the Bangladeshi B2B marketplace, not only empowering MSMEs but also having a huge positive impact on the environment, in the dynamic landscape of e-commerce.  Eco-Friendly Delivery Method: One significant innovation of PriyoShop is the introduction of paddling vans into our supply chain service. These environmentally friendly cars not only […]

Bangladesh’s Economic Surge: A Data-Driven Exploration 📊🚀

In the realm of global economic dynamics, Bangladesh is emerging as a compelling success story, backed by a series of impressive figures and strategic initiatives. Let’s delve into the quantitative aspects that underscore the nation’s remarkable growth trajectory. 1. GDP Growth: Bangladesh has consistently outpaced global averages in GDP growth. Over the last decade, the […]

Empowering Youths: Bridging Generational Gaps through Technology in Business

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, one of the significant shifts has been witnessed in the way young individuals balance their education and family businesses. Traditionally, youths faced a daunting challenge when trying to contribute to their family’s enterprises while pursuing their studies. Time management posed a significant challenge, frequently leading to compromises on their […]

A Couple Find Solution in PriyoShop to Save Their Business!

In the bustling city of Dhaka, Salma Begum, a dedicated housewife, found herself thrust into a challenging situation a few months ago. Her husband, Hannan Hossain, a mom-and-pop shop owner, was struggling to manage his business due to difficulties in sourcing products from various brands and distributors. Hannan’s shop, catering to an average of 150 […]

The Growing Trend of B2B E-commerce in Bangladesh!

Bangladesh has seen amazing progress in the sphere of e-commerce in recent years. The traditional model of face-to-face negotiations and physical exchanges is gradually changing into the growing trend of B2B e-commerce through digitalization.This movement is redefining how the scene is changing of trade, providing several benefits and possibilities to the stakeholders. Here we will […]

আপনার মুদি ব্যবসা কীভাবে বাড়াতে পারেন?

খুচরা মুদি দোকান হোক বা রেস্টুরেন্ট ব্যবসায়, এই ব্যবসায়ে অনেক লাভ থাকলেও সঠিক পরিকল্পনা ও দিক নির্দেশনার অভাবে ক্ষতির মুখে পড়ছে অনেকেই। কীভাবে সেসব ক্ষতি এড়িয়ে ব্যবসায়ে উন্নতি করা যায় সে ব্যাপারেই আজকে আলোচনা করবো। চলুন দেখে আসি কীভাবে আপনি ব্যবসায়ে উন্নতি করতে পারবেন-  সঠিক পণ্য নির্বাচন: প্রথমেই আপনাকে বাজারে চলমান সকল পণ্য সম্পর্কে খুব […]